An ongoing in-house project built by users of this list
This is an in-house, networked artist/curator/writer residency built by users of the NetBehaviour list
lasting for 2 weeks where a practicioner's work
is seen, as part of the list experience, adding
different kind of authentic stuff to the list- exploring
more than debate alone, through behaviour.
Joseph McElroy: NetBehaviour
Community Paper
A community newspaper is committed to serving and building a local community by providing news and information to enhance the quality of life and to forge community bonds. ....September 2005
Rich White:
Joint Picture Generation (JPG)
A single .jpg which develops through list member collaboration.
An initial image is posted by the artist. List members then work on/in/over the image and post it back....July 2005
| Jason Nelson:
24 interfaces for 24 artists
Exploring interface and interactive creatures with content grabbed, thrust, stolen, and borrowed from new media artists, poets and electronic pioneers ...June 2005
| Mez: Angelle
TimeSpace collapsing jittering[thru code.s[ym.b(ch)olic(acid)pangles & mobile co[mmunication]ndensing, yes.... July 2004
| Brad Brace: 12hr-ISBN-JPEG Project
...But perhaps the function of disappearing is a vital one.
Perhaps this is how we react as living beings, as mortals,
to the threat of an immortal universe, the threat of a
definitive reality. ... March 2004
Brief info about Residencies: -
- Residencies last for 2 weeks
- Maximum size of image per post- 35k
- Maximum number of posts - every six hours
- Minimum nuber of posts - one a day
What type of work? Anything proposed by net artists, new media academics, soft groups, net writers, code geeks, new nedia producers,
net/new media curators, net/new media activists, networkers, new media performers, net sufi's, psychogeographical explorers, net artist blogs,
net communities etc...
How Resident Artists are selected
Any member on the list can suggest a potential resident
The list members vote for a resident - it takes
7 yes votes... but if there are 8 votes against,
the residency does not happen for that individual/group.
Rules change and adapt according to suggestions
by active list members.